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Culto roma


Agua Essencia CULT.O

Immagine del redattore: Faipa CosmeticsFaipa Cosmetics

El agua esencia CULT.O es un elogio al perfume que prolonga el placer sensorial del tratamiento. Se siente y se respira a travès de sus notas càlidas, trasmitiendo una sensaciòn personal e ìntima que envuelve todo ser, encarnando totalmente el concepto CULT.O. Es el ùltimo gesto del tratamiento, sublima el cabello, dando luminosidad y sinuosidad con estilo. ILLUMINANTE, PROTECTIVO, ANTICRESPO.The essence water CULT.o is an applaud of perfume, extending the sensory pleasure of CULT.O products. You can feel it and breathe it, through its hot olfactory notes, leaving a personal and intimate sensation that wraps you up. Embodies fully the style of the concept CULT.O. It is the last gesture of CULT.O treatment. Extalts hair giving brightness and sinuosity to the style. ILLUMINATING, PROTECTIVE, ANTI-FRIZZ POWER.

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